g(Math) for Forms will now create a Handwriting entry! Thanks to +Chris Webb for helping me motivate to finalize the Handwriting entry for MC options. I would love to hear any use cases and suggestions for improvement!
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
g(Math) for Forms can create multiple choice options that include handwriting entries!
I am excited to announce that g(Math) for Forms will now allow you to use handwriting entries as multiple choice options. Just click on the Create handwriting entry icon in any part of the option and you can handwrite an entry.
I just published the update and it will be live soon in the Chrome store and should automatically update for you if you already have g(Math) for Forms installed.
I am working on rolling out handwriting entries as a question type in the next week or so, keep an eye out for them!
Monday, November 16, 2015
g(Math) for Forms will now create Multiple Choice Question!!
The top feature request for g(Math) for Forms has been to create a Multiple Choice question. I have been working on this feature for months and meant to release it when g(Math) crossed 250,000 users. Well....that was delayed due to some unforeseen bugs, but it has been live for a few weeks. I have been slow to update the documentation and have finally added some documentation to gMath.guru:
Some features I am excited about:
Some features I am excited about:
- You can now create an option that includes two different aspects of g(Math). This is helpful to have math expressions as well as a graph or statistical display.
- Updated user experience for easier navigation.
Things to look out for on the horizon:
- Handwriting entry for Forms. This should be ready by the end of next weekend!